The Association for Israel Studies Supports the Calls to Stop the Legislation of “The Silence Law”
The Association for Israel Studies expresses concern at the advancement of the Higher Education Council’s bill (amendment – dismissal of academic staff due to incitement or support of terrorism and budget reduction), 2024, known as “The Silence Law”.
Current Israeli Law already includes provisions against incitement to terror, and there is no need for another specific law, which could be applied arbitrarily. The proposed law, if approved, may infringe on the academic freedom of Israel studies scholars in Israel as well as on academic activity in this field worldwide. In addition, it might increase divisions and suspicion and limit the freedom of expression and creativity among Israel studies researchers.
Furthermore, the proposed law may invoke negative reactions aimed at Israeli researchers and at Israeli institutions of higher education. The international Association for Israel Studies supports the calls by the institutions and organizations working to stop the legislation and expresses hope that their efforts will bear fruit.