Israel’s Declaration of Independence: The History And Political Theory of the Nation’s Founding Moment

Cambridge University Press, 2022

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The Central Political Role of German Left Actors in the Campaign to Replace the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism

Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism

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The Emotional Life of Populism: How Fear, Disgust, Resentment, and Love Undermine Democracy

Polity Press, 2023

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Routledge Companion to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Routledge, October 2022

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The Israel/Palestine Reader

Polity, 2018

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Unacknowledged Kinships: Postcolonial Studies and the Historiography of Zionism

Brandeis University Press, July 2023

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Zionism: An Emotional State

Rutgers University Press, June 2023

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Statement Regarding the Unfolding Events in Israel

Statement Regarding the Unfolding Events… Read More

Condeming the Atrocities Committed by Hamas

Events Related to Israel Studies… Read More

Expressing Our Deepest Condolences to Professor Ilan Troen and Family

Expressing Our Deepest Condolences to… Read More

Tragic Loss of Dr. Hayim Katsman

Expressing Our Deepest Condolences for… Read More