AIS Archive Grant
The Grant will be available to all Ph.D. holders who conduct research in Israel studies, broadly defined, and who receive little or no financial support from their home institution. Members can apply for a grant of $1,000-$5,000 to enable research in archives, using primary sources for their research.
Up to $5,000 will be allocated each and every year.
Deadline: TBU
Applicants need to submit:
- Cover letter (1 page)
- CV (3 pages maximum)
- Project description that includes:
1. Project Title (10 words)
2. Executive Summary (75 words)
Provide a summary description of your project, why it’s important, and how it will contribute to Israel studies. This should be a stand-alone statement that does not require any other context to clearly explain what you propose to accomplish.
3. Why You (200 words)
Why are you uniquely suited to take on your project?
The Issue (200 words)
Describe the specific issue your project is designed to address and its significance.
4. Justification (75-100 words)
Explain what you intend to do with the money, with breakdown of the budget.
5. Time and Place Framework (25 words)
Explain when and where you intend to conduct your research.
6. Deliverable
What is the specific result or deliverable you will produce by the end of your residency? (select one)
Article for Peer-Reviewed Publication (specify journals)
Book (specify publisher/s)
Book Chapter (specify editor/s and publisher/s)
Other (specify)
7. Intended Audience (150 words)
Who will be most interested in the results of your project? How do you intend to reach this audience?
8. Eligibility
Applicants must be registered AIS members.
All materials should be sent to the designated email adrress.