The Gad Barzilai Early Career Award
The Gad Barzilai Early Career Award recognizes an exceptional scholar who has made significant contributions to the field of Israel Studies, and whose record of publications and scholarship has demonstrated the potential to shape the field in the future.
Eligibility: Maximum 10 years post receipt of the candidate’s doctorate.
The nomination materials should include: a cover letter, CV, and two letters of recommendation.
The cover letter should include information about the candidate’s publication record, teaching record, mentorship record of others, institutional development (e.g. demonstration of the candidate’s commitment to the growth of the field) and service (the candidate’s record of commitment to the field through service on editorial boards, the AIS Board and/or other areas of academic service in Israel Studies).
A committee of prominent Israel Studies scholars will evaluate the nomination materials and determine the award winner.
The prize awarded is $5,000.
Nomination letters that address the scholar’s outstanding contribution to Israel Studies should be sent by February 20, 2025. It is the responsibility of the candidates to make sure that all recommendations are received on time. Self-nominations are not allowed. The committee reserves the right to consider additional candidates.
All nominations should be sent to:
The prize awarded is $5,000.
2025 Committee:
Sylvie Fogiel-Bijaoui, Chair
Elie Podeh
Alan Dowty
Ilan Troen
Noya Rimalt
Ami Pedhazur
2024: Aviad Moreno (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
2023: Karin Carmit Yefet (University of Haifa)
2022: Tally Kritzman-Amir (In Memoriam) (Boston University Law School)
2021: Amnon Cavari (Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya) and Alexander Kaye (Brandeis University)
2019: Liat Steir-Livny (Sapir Academic College and The Open University of Israel)
2018: Ayelet Harel Shalev (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
2016: Uriel Abulof (Tel-Aviv University and Princeton University)
2015: Mohammed Wattad (Zefat Academic College)
2014: Omri Herzog (Sapir Academic College)
2013: Gur Alroey (University of Haifa)