Lifetime Achievement Award

The AIS Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes a senior scholar in any field of Israel Studies whose lasting and path-breaking contributions have significantly shaped the field. 

Details about next year’s awards are yet to be announced. 


2023: Aviva Halamish (The Open University of Israel) and Ilan Troen (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Brandeis University)

2022: Hanna Herzog (Tel Aviv University) and Derek Penslar (Harvard University)

2021: Prof. Emeritus Benny Morris (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)

2020: Yael Zerubavel (Rutgers University)

2017: Alan Dowty (University of Notre Dame) and Pnina Lahav (Boston University) 

2016: Anita Shapira (Tel-Aviv University)

2015: Itzhak Galnoor (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

2014: Yosef Gorny (Tel Aviv University)2013: Myron Aronoff (Rutgers: The State University of New Jersey)