New Books and Articles

-Special Volume on Jewish Education in Canada:
Wiseman, Laura, Dan Held and Karen Gazith, Guest Eds. Canadian Jewish Studies. Vol. 38: Aug. 2024.

-On Conservative Jewish Education in Toronto:

Wiseman, Laura and Jack Lipinsky. 2024. Conservative Jewish Education in Toronto: An Interview with Dr. Aaron M. Nussbaum, Founding Director of United Synagogue Day School. Canadian Jewish Studies. Vol. 38, Aug. 2024, 205-220.

-A chapter about the love poetry of Sivan Har-Shefi:
Wiseman, Laura. 2023. Love Urgently, Wistfully, Playfully, Sacredly. Canadian Readings of Jewish History: From Knowledge to Interpretive Transmission. Daniel Maoz and Esti Mayer, Eds. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 367-406.  

– Laura Wiseman is the Koschitzky Family Chair in Jewish Teacher Education
York University, Toronto